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CSA FinCloud Security Summit

Virtual CSA FinCloud Security Summit

February 15 - 16, 2023

The intersection of cloud security and financial services

ScaleSec is pleased to promote the Cloud Security Alliance FinCloud Security Summit. As a member of CSA with the Trusted Cloud Consultant trustmark, ScaleSec welcomes the focus on one of our largest client bases.

Join the world’s key cybersecurity stakeholders in financial services as you hear from industry leaders at large global banks, fintech, cloud service providers, security auditors and others that are applying solutions today that protect the critical infrastructure of tomorrow in the financial sector. You will learn from industry leaders at large global banks, fintech, cloud service providers, security auditors and more that are applying solutions today that protect the critical infrastructure of tomorrow in the financial sector.

CSA’s FinCloud Security Summit is a free two-day, online event showcasing conversations by leaders in financial services and cloud services about the future of protecting digital assets. Join the world’s key cybersecurity stakeholders in financial services as you hear from industry leaders at large global banks, fintech, cloud service providers, security auditors and others that are applying solutions today that protect the critical infrastructure of tomorrow in the financial sector

CSA FinCloud Security Summit

Visit the event website for all the details.